Didactics of the history in Higher Education through mediations. From Stellar History to Stellar Education

Keywords: didactics of history, higher education, history teaching, mediations, stellar history


The teaching of history in Colombia shows the different approaches with which research in this area has been disseminated . However, few studies have been done in the country on the teaching of research and teaching in this field. This article makes a documentary review on the teaching of history in Colombia and presents a case study in which a didactics from Stellar History is proposed in its own academic space called "Narrations for the post-conflict". Specifically, it is aimed  to the first semester students of Business and International Relations of the University of La Salle in the process of doing a research as a monograph to present an article in an indexed university academic journal . The results show a change in the narratives, in the teaching and learning processes, and the writing of historical research articles of the academic community involved.


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Author Biography

Robert Manuel Ojeda Pérez, Universidad de La Salle, Colombia

Ph.D. in education and society from the Universidad de La Salle, a master's degree in history from the Universidad de Los Andes, a specialist in pedagogy and didactics, and a historian from the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. He is a full member of the Academy of History of Bogotá.

How to Cite
Ojeda Pérez, R. M. . (2020). Didactics of the history in Higher Education through mediations. From Stellar History to Stellar Education. Revista De Investigación En Educación Militar, 1(1), 27–50. https://doi.org/10.47961/27450171.4


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