Relations between Colombia and its neighbors in the face of international aid

Keywords: military alliance, international aid, groups outside the law, neighbor countries, Plan Colombia


This article analyzes the impacts of Plan Colombia regarding Colombia's relations with neighboring countries. With this objective, a documentary review is made with the methodology of the analytical framework of Charles Tilly to analyze the point of view of the governments of the region on their relations with Colombia and determine the consequences of the aid coming from the United States in the negotiations of the Free Trade Agreement and in Colombian sovereignty. The results of the analysis show that the military alliance strengthened relations between Colombia and the United States, but deteriorated relations with neighboring countries due to pressure from the United States government causing the displacement of illegal groups and Colombian military actions outside its borders.


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Author Biographies

Robert Manuel Ojeda Pérez, Universidad de La Salle, Colombia

Ph.D. in education and society from the Universidad de La Salle, a master's degree in history from the Universidad de Los Andes, a specialist in pedagogy and didactics, and a historian from the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. He is a full member of the Academy of History of Bogotá.

Elizabeth Martínez Cruz, Universidad de La Salle, Colombia

Student of Business and International Relations at the Universidad de La Salle Bogotá, DC, Colombia. Researcher in the seedbed project Se-Koiné at the same institution.

How to Cite
Ojeda Pérez, R. M. ., & Martínez Cruz, E. . (2020). Relations between Colombia and its neighbors in the face of international aid. Revista De Investigación En Educación Militar, 1(1), 51–68.


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