Technological intelligence in the Army of the future

  • Julián Andrés Vargas Cardona Escuela Superior de Guerra
Keywords: transformations, strategic intelligence, projects


In view of the profound transformations that the "information age" has introduced into the dynamics of international security in the 21st century, the words of Martin Van Creveld (1991) are increasingly relevant: "War is completely permeated and governed by technology". Indeed, technological developments transform the paradigms according to which human beings think, act and relate, including armed conflicts. For this reason, the implementation of scientific advances and technological innovations in the field of security and defense represents an important field of study for Strategic Intelligence, since these factors constitute the basis of the competition for international power. In this regard, Mohan Malik (2010, p. 21) points out that scientific and technological advances have profoundly influenced the course of international politics, because they are the "key" to promote economic development and national security.



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Author Biography

Julián Andrés Vargas Cardona, Escuela Superior de Guerra

Politólogo, Universidad Nacional de Colombia; Magister en Seguridad y Defensa Nacionales, Escuela Superior de Guerra, Colombia.

How to Cite
Vargas Cardona, J. A. . (2015). Technological intelligence in the Army of the future. Perspectives in Intelligence Journal, 7(14), 21–37. Retrieved from


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