New challenges for the Colombian intelligence community in a post-conflict future in a context of global hybrid threats

  • Julia Pulido Gragera Universidad Europea de Madrid, España
Keywords: hybrid threats, intelligence community, strategic intelligence, international relations, international security


Currently, the changes taking place in the international field have a direct impact on the security and defense strategies of states. The adaptation of these strategies translates into the modeling of state responses to the consolidation of complex criminal phenomena that manifest themselves globally. The updating of both security and defense policies and procedures that converge within a synergy of international action patterns is a priority for the maintenance of balance in both regional and global securitization strategies. In this sense, and maintaining the vanguard character of security policies, the transformation of the intelligence communities is of paramount importance. The adequacy of this in a state like Colombia, facing a possible future post-conflict scenario, is a fundamental decision that must be implemented to maintain a societal status in the regional and international coalitions that are established in the fight against the current hybrid threats.


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Author Biography

Julia Pulido Gragera, Universidad Europea de Madrid, España

Licenciada en Ciencias Políticas y de la Administración, con especialidad en Relaciones Internacionales por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España; PhD en Derecho de la Universidad de Valencia, España; Directora del Máster Universitario en Política Exterior y Diplomacia en la Universidad Europea de Madrid, España.

How to Cite
Pulido Gragera, J. . (2015). New challenges for the Colombian intelligence community in a post-conflict future in a context of global hybrid threats. Perspectives in Intelligence Journal, 7(14), 41–55. Retrieved from


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