Territory, War and Population in Ancient Political Thought of Rome, Greece and India. A Semiotic recension of War

Keywords: Arthashastra, population control, territorial control, war, semiotic recension, territory


The article makes a semiotic review of the political concepts of territory, war and population, in the context of the ancient thought of Rome, Greece and India. Semiotic recension is understood as a method of textual criticism of language problems that together, and each in turn, make contributions to the great problem of a specific field of research, through the history of a word and a concept. The results of the research led to the discovery of three Indo-European political concepts of great relevance for the understanding of war from a semiotic point of view, each one with a variety of meanings with traps, although coherent with the social-historical reality of its political thought: the legal concept of jus terrendi ('right to terrorize' or 'right to banish'), which shapes the idea of territory in Justinian's Digest; the Greek concept of stasis ('civil war' or 'political stability'), discovered by Thucydides in the third book of the History of the Peloponnesian War; and the Hindu concept of arthashastra ('the science of territory' or 'the science of the prosperity of the state and its inhabitants'), in the context of a monumental work: Kautilya's Arthashastra, a political treatise on the wealth and welfare of the population. It is concluded that in the West war has been conceived as territorial control, whereas in the East war has been seen as population control.


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Author Biography

Jesús Alberto Suárez Pineda, Escuela Militar de Cadetes

Licenciado en Filología y Humanidades Clásicas de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá, Colombia. PhD(c) en Estudios Políticos de la Universidad Externado de Colombia, Bogotá, Colombia. Investigador de la Escuela Militar de Cadetes " General José María Córdova".

How to Cite
Suárez Pineda, J. A. . (2015). Territory, War and Population in Ancient Political Thought of Rome, Greece and India. A Semiotic recension of War. Perspectives in Intelligence Journal, 7(14), 77–98. Retrieved from https://revistascedoc.com/index.php/pei/article/view/208


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