Implementation of a geopositioning system with radio frequency transmission of coordinates

Keywords: Geolocation, Radiofrequency, Strategic Intelligence


The implementation of geolocation systems has been booming in the last decade, under the premise of being able to control and provide security in the movement of vehicles or people in the development of different activities. However, the different devices available for such functions have been partially marketed to interact in the field with the use of mobile communications networks or, failing that, independent global positioning devices, with satellite communication for display on digital platforms. These systems generate certain limitations, both in size and energy consumption, due to the devices designed for use in general applications. For this reason, a technological study of the different geopositioning devices was carried out, taking into account size, energy consumption and sending information by radio frequency.  In this way, a system was designed and implemented with a remote node for use in military strategic intelligence, for displacements in areas without coverage of mobile communications networks. And a base station in charge of receiving information and sending it to a satellite visualization platform. As a result, a remote module of small dimensions was obtained, which remains in an idle state to save energy and is only activated when it receives a command from the base module, having a link range of more than twenty kilometers, as long as line of sight is ensured. 

The advantage of having a programmable device in the remote node is to be able to control variables that cannot be managed in other similar devices, such as: energy saving, data transmission times and own coding for transmission security, thus becoming a more reliable system for use in military operations.


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Author Biographies

Álvaro Andrés Guzmán Castañeda, Universidad Piloto de Colombia

Ingeniero de Telecomunicaciones, Universidad Piloto, Colombia.

Juan Wilfredo Pinto Uribe , Universidad Industrial de Santander

Ingeniero electrónico, Universidad Industrial de Santander, Colombia.

Diego Arley Velosa Castañeda, Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas

Ingeniero en Control, Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, Colombia.

How to Cite
Guzmán Castañeda, Álvaro A., Pinto Uribe , J. W. ., & Velosa Castañeda, D. A. . (2021). Implementation of a geopositioning system with radio frequency transmission of coordinates. Perspectives in Intelligence Journal, 12(21), 275–291.


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