Cultural intelligence as a tool for the Colombian Military Forces

  • José Armando Serpa Hernández Escuela Superior de Guerra
Keywords: armed conflict in Colombia, military intelligence, fourth generation war, culture


The fourth generation wars that the United States had to fight in Afghanistan and Iraq during the first decade of the 21st century highlighted a fundamental fact: asymmetric and irregular wars cannot be won without the support of the population.  For this reason, psychological and civil-military actions form a fundamental part of the strategy in this type of conflict. However, without a cultural approach that allows understanding the social dynamics, these strategies cannot be successful. Hence the importance of incorporating the concept of cultural intelligence as a complementary process in the military intelligence cycle, which allows obtaining a strategic advantage in the face of the complexities of the socio-cultural environment.  From this perspective, cultural intelligence is a useful tool for the context of the armed conflict in Colombia, which is characterized by a deep cultural fragmentation among the different regions of the country.


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Author Biography

José Armando Serpa Hernández, Escuela Superior de Guerra

Profesional en Ciencias Militares de la Escuela Militar de Cadetes "General José María Córdova", Colombia. Estudiante de la Maestría en Seguridad y Defensa Nacionales de la Escuela Superior de Guerra, Colombia. Coronel del Ejército Nacional de Colombia.

How to Cite
Serpa Hernández, J. A. . (2015). Cultural intelligence as a tool for the Colombian Military Forces. Perspectives in Intelligence Journal, 7(14), 115–131. Retrieved from


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