Affectations to the security and defense of Colombia due to the phenomenon of illegal mining: academic perception, scenario and possible institutional solutions.

  • Adolfo Ernesto Sandoval Perdomo Pontificia Universidad Javeriana
  • Laura Arciniegas Londoño New Granada Military University
Keywords: Illegal mining, Environmental damage, Economic impact, Security and defense


The following research article called "Affectations to the security and defense of Colombia by the phenomenon of illegal mining: Academic perception, scenario and possible institutional solutions" has as its main purpose to present the current scenario that the Colombian nation is going through thanks to illegal mining. For academic and scientific purposes. Therefore, in the first place, a bibliometric characterization analysis is developed with specific data of the academic composition that exists with respect to illegal mining operations in Colombia, followed by a general context with more precise data around this illicit activity. Finally, under the exploration and conceptual interpretation of other authors, possible implementation strategies are proposed to mitigate, neutralize this phenomenon in Colombia. The main result of this research confirms the verification hypothesis where it is emphasized that there is little academic support to expose to the whole world the circumstances of time, mode and place of illegal mining. In conclusion, it is recommended to establish new research problems that concur in this type of scenario to make possible the Colombian need to neutralize phenomena with environmental, economic and defensive scope.


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Author Biographies

Adolfo Ernesto Sandoval Perdomo, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana

Master in Political Studies, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana; Specialization in Integral Security and Risk Analysis, Security Management and Sociopolitical Analysis, College of Intelligence and Counterintelligence; Lieutenant Colonel of the National Army of Colombia.

Laura Arciniegas Londoño, New Granada Military University

Master's Degree in Strategic Intelligence, College of Intelligence and Counterintelligence; Specialization in Integral Management of Works, College of Military Engineers; Civil Engineer, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, Colombia.

How to Cite
Sandoval Perdomo, A. E., & Arciniegas Londoño, L. (2022). Affectations to the security and defense of Colombia due to the phenomenon of illegal mining: academic perception, scenario and possible institutional solutions. Perspectives in Intelligence Journal, 13(22), 49–61.


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Intelligence and Counterintelligence