The Chinese reforestation model, advantages and disadvantages for its application in the international system

  • Ali Hady Zapata Pontificia Universidad Javeriana
  • Laura Valentina Castillejo Salcedo Universidad Militar Nueva Granada
Keywords: Environment, Forest ecosystems, Reforestation, Emissions, Carbono deposits


The purpose of this article is to expose and study the Chinese experience in the fight and control of deforestation, through the massive reforestation projects and programs that have been applied in the oriental country during the last decades.

In order to achieve a correct understanding of the topic, it was necessary to divide the text into four fragments, the first of which expresses the environmental situation that the planet faces today, highlighting deforestation as one of the problems that has the greatest impact on environmental degradation. Following this, in the second part, the legal instruments that have been devised and applied by the States to protect the environment and limit polluting activities are presented.

In the third part, a case study was presented, as mentioned, the Chinese one. This country is currently consolidated as a reference in environmental matters, especially in terms of reforestation. For this reason, the main programs developed were presented, such as the forestry program of the three Nordic countries Shelterbelt; the project on afforestation, research, planning and forestry development in the Northern Region 3; the project for the protection of natural forests; the program for the conversion of sloping lands and, finally, the Grain for Green program. From these it was possible to present the favorable results and the criticisms that authors have made to this type of projects.

Finally, the respective conclusions were drawn and a series of recommendations were made as to whether these programs should be applied in other latitudes, taking into account that several countries are already beginning to apply models similar to the Chinese one.


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Author Biographies

Ali Hady Zapata, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana

Political scientist with emphasis on international relations and security and defence, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Colombia.

Laura Valentina Castillejo Salcedo, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada

Professional in International Relations and Political Studies, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, Colombia.

How to Cite
Hady Zapata, A., & Castillejo Salcedo, L. V. (2022). The Chinese reforestation model, advantages and disadvantages for its application in the international system. Perspectives in Intelligence Journal, 13(22), 77–100.


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History and philosophy