Andean community approach on drugs

  • Carlos Enrique Vargas Villamizar Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris
Keywords: Andean Community of Nations, Narcotic Drugs, Cocaine, Communitarian Security


According to the Office of National Drug Control Policy of the White House, Colombia, Peru and Bolivia produce the totality of cocaine that is exported to consumer countries all over the world. However, after many years trying to reduce the plantation of coca plants in these three countries, it has been observed an increase in the records of the cultivations during the past ten years. This article assesses the policy to fight against the drug phenomena through an international collective approach, materialized in the Andean Community of Nations. Also, it is proposed to cause the increase in the coca plantations despite the efforts of the national governments and international organizations.


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Author Biography

Carlos Enrique Vargas Villamizar, Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris

Master in International Security, Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris, France; Professional in Government and International Relations, Universidad Externado, Colombia.

How to Cite
Vargas Villamizar, C. E. (2022). Andean community approach on drugs. Perspectives in Intelligence Journal, 13(22), 137–152.


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