Undervaluation of Cell phone’s Colombia imports: characterization from time series and business intelligence

  • María Carolina Velasco Peña College of Intelligence and Counterintelligence https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1833-0879
  • Vladimir Osorio Isaza College of Intelligence and Counterintelligence
Keywords: VAR Series, Predictive model, mobile market Colombia, Business Intelligence, undervaluation


The cell phone market in the Republic of Colombia is subject to questioning due to undervaluation, the rates and forms of theft, in which the perpetrators generate injuries and homicides to the victims. Is necessary for Strategic Intelligence to analyze holistically and scientifically all the variables and constitutive categories of a phenomenon or reality. In the case of cell phones, one of the elements to study is the entire process of importing these devices into the National Customs Territory (TAN). This research article first determines the behavior of the Exchange Rate and FOB Price variables using VAR time series. Then, the import variables are analyzed in a relational way to characterize customs behaviors at the time of carrying out the cell phone nationalization processes. The relevant variables for this relational analysis are year of presentation, exporting city and country, country of origin, country of origin and purchase, release date, selectivity, type of declaration and previous declaration date. As relevant results, there is evidence of an indirect relationship between the Exchange Rate and the FOB Price, which can configure technical contraband or undervaluation; there is a phenomenon of non-variation of the FOB price in the last 10 years; and finally, it is shown how there is also legal undervaluation protected by article 175 of Law 1819 of 2016.


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Author Biographies

María Carolina Velasco Peña, College of Intelligence and Counterintelligence

Specialist in International Business Management, Universidad Santo Tomas; Specialist in Public Administration, Universidad Antonio Nariño; candidate for Master in Strategic Intelligence, College of Intelligence and Counterintelligence, Colombia.

Vladimir Osorio Isaza, College of Intelligence and Counterintelligence

Leader of the research group "Centro de Investigación en Guerra Asimétrica" (CIGA) of the College of Intelligence and Counterintelligence "BG. Ricardo Charry Solano" (ESICI), Master in Strategic Intelligence, School of Intelligence and Counterintelligence; Specialist in Strategic Data Analytics, Konrad Lorenz University Foundation; Specialist in International Business, Universidad Libre de Colombia; Professional in International Business, School of Business Administration, Colombia.

How to Cite
Velasco Peña, M. C., & Osorio Isaza, V. (2022). Undervaluation of Cell phone’s Colombia imports: characterization from time series and business intelligence. Perspectives in Intelligence Journal, 14(23), 33–61. https://doi.org/10.47961/2145194X.332


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Intelligence and Counterintelligence