Academic conceptualisation of the term Strategic Intelligence and its application in decision making in Colombia

  • Viviana Constanza Gutiérrez Sánchez College of Intelligence and Counterintelligence
  • Laura Arciniegas Londoño Superior War College "General Rafael Reyes Prieto"
Keywords: Strategic intelligence, decision making, IE concept, security and defense


The following article entitled "Academic conceptualisation of the term Strategic Intelligence and its application in decision making in Colombia", aims to delimit and propose an integrated and concrete concept of strategic intelligence (SI), according to the needs, scenarios and tools that concur in the Colombian territory. To do this, firstly, a bibliometric analysis will be developed with academic material supported in Scopus, in accordance with the thematic line of strategic intelligence and decision making, followed by a statistical exploration applied to two hundred members of the intelligence community where the absence of a general, consistent and unique knowledge of strategic intelligence is corroborated, discussed or determined. Finally, under the results obtained from the bibliometrics and statistical exploration, authors, theoreticians and experts will be used to debate, discuss and determine a descriptive and propositive option of strategic intelligence, a situation that will allow an integrated conceptualisation in accordance with the activities of the intelligence community in Colombia, guaranteeing an adjusted option that serves as a guide for the decision-maker when using tools, methods and procedures in accordance with the activities of data collection, information analysis and dissemination in Colombia.


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Author Biographies

Viviana Constanza Gutiérrez Sánchez, College of Intelligence and Counterintelligence

Master's student in strategic intelligence, College of Intelligence and Counterintelligence, Colombia.

Laura Arciniegas Londoño, Superior War College "General Rafael Reyes Prieto"

Doctorate candidate in Strategic Studies, Security and Defense, Superior War College "General Rafael Reyes Prieto"; Master in Strategic Intelligence, College of Intelligence and Counterintelligence; Specialization in Integral Works Management, School of Military Engineers; Civil Engineer, New Granada Military University, Colombia.

How to Cite
Gutiérrez Sánchez, V. C., & Arciniegas Londoño, L. (2022). Academic conceptualisation of the term Strategic Intelligence and its application in decision making in Colombia. Perspectives in Intelligence Journal, 14(23), 97–117.


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Intelligence and Counterintelligence