Water Strategy and Geopolitics in Latin America: A Strategic Intelligence Perspective

Keywords: Strategic intelligence, geopolitics, Latin America, climate change, water


Latin American countries are positioned as a relevant actor in the international system as they concentrate 31% of the world's freshwater sources, presenting a series of conflicts between different actors who fight for the control and management of this resource in order to achieve their interests, whether social or economic. This article analyzes some of the regional and domestic tensions generated by the availability and management of water in Latin America, from which the reasons why water resources, understood in terms of available drinking water and water reserves (aquifers), represent a strategic resource in the geopolitics of Latin American States are presented. It is concluded that Latin America and the Caribbean is positioned as a strategic region at the geopolitical level in the international system, due to its drinking water resources. It is positioned as an area of interest for foreign actors who intend to supply their water needs in the near future, and as an area of conflict between private actors, communities and States.


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Author Biographies

Natalia Chaparro Betancourt, New Granada Military University

Professional in International Relations and Political Studies, New Granada Military University, Colombia.

Ana María Leguizamón Álvarez, Externado University of Colombia

Professional in Government and International Relations, Externado University of Colombia, Colombia.

How to Cite
Chaparro Betancourt, N., & Leguizamón Álvarez, A. M. (2022). Water Strategy and Geopolitics in Latin America: A Strategic Intelligence Perspective. Perspectives in Intelligence Journal, 14(23), 147–167. https://doi.org/10.47961/2145194X.337


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Intelligence and Counterintelligence