The day that changed the history of the national intelligence corps

  • Luisa Fernanda López Bolaños Universidad Militar Nueva Granada
Keywords: military intelligence, planning, Operation Jaque, corps


The Military Intelligence corps in Colombia has been historically consolidated, since its origin in 1964 until today, as one of the most important units of the Military Forces for its commitment to the motto "En Guardia por la Patria" (On Guard for the Homeland).  On its 48th anniversary, it is worth highlighting the honorable work it has performed, with emphasis on July 2, 2008, which redefined the history of military intelligence in Colombia, after the execution of a successful operation, which changed the traditionalist course, due to the amazing planning and execution in the well-known Operation Jaque that, at the time, was the protagonist of the national and international press.


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Author Biography

Luisa Fernanda López Bolaños, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada

Profesional en Relaciones Internacionales y Estudios Políticos, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, Colombia.

How to Cite
López Bolaños, L. F. (2018). The day that changed the history of the national intelligence corps. Perspectives in Intelligence Journal, 10(19), 43–55.


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Intelligence and Counterintelligence