The importance of the academic approach to mining activity during the post-agreement period

  • María Alejandra Ramos Universidad del Rosario
  • Miguel Matías Cortes Cuenca Universidad del Rosario
Keywords: mining, conflict, natural resources, peace agreements


Mining has been a controversial activity in the period following the peace agreement with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) and has been characterized by the discussion around different aspects of this environment, due to the questioning of the extraction of minerals as a fundamental part of the development model by some sectors of civil society, due to its social and environmental impacts and the reconfiguration of conflict scenarios often associated with extractive activities and the strategic interest in the exploitation of the Colombian subsoil. Thus, the reactivation of the debate on the role of mining in national life becomes an opportunity to make it truly pay dividends to society. Likewise, the Colombian Mining Observatory (OCMI) arises around the thesis that a scientific and academic approach to the problems associated with mining will be possible to enhance its positive impacts and minimize its negative impacts.


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Author Biographies

María Alejandra Ramos, Universidad del Rosario

Profesional en Relaciones Internacionales, Universidad del Rosario, Colombia.

Miguel Matías Cortes Cuenca, Universidad del Rosario

Profesional en Relaciones Internacionales, Universidad del Rosario, Colombia.

How to Cite
Ramos, M. A., & Cortes Cuenca, M. M. (2018). The importance of the academic approach to mining activity during the post-agreement period. Perspectives in Intelligence Journal, 10(19), 113–124.


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