The definition behind terror: the difficulty behind the concept of terrorism

Keywords: Terrorism, globalization, history, violence and individuals


The concept of terrorism has been addressed by many domestic and systemic researches. The theoretical construct allows us to affirm that there is no single notion of terrorism, but rather a convergence of definitions applicable to multiple fields of knowledge. This, understanding the concept as a divergent phenomenon that has managed to evolve over the years. The following article aims to identify the evolution of the concept of terrorism from the twentieth century to the twenty-first century, emphasizing its main periods of resonance. For this purpose, a bibliometric analysis is carried out through a search algorithm in Scopus and the Bibliometrix tool. This analysis is complemented with a literature review that shows the mutation of the concept at a social-historical level, the final result is the identification of five periods of time in which the concept of terrorism has transmuted and preserved its essence of generating fear-terror. Thus, among the main conclusions of the research is that the difficult theoretical construction of the concept of terrorism is due to the prejudices surrounding the term, to the vast conversation that has developed about it without points of integration, and to the international events that contribute to build and disfigure the concept.


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Author Biographies

José del Carmen Beltrán Peña, Escuela de Inteligencia y Contrainteligencia

Magister in Strategic Intelligence, Manager of Security and Sociopolitical Analysis of the University Institution College of Intelligence and Counterintelligence "BG. Ricardo Charry Solano" (Colombia).

Pamela Pirateque Perdomo, Escuela de Inteligencia y Contrainteligencia

Master in Strategic Intelligence from the University Institution College of Intelligence and Counterintelligence "BG. Ricardo Charry Solano" (Colombia), is a professional in Politics and International Relations of the Sergio Arboleda University (Colombia), is a scientific researcher of the research group CIGA, and advisor of the Department of Science, Technology, Research and Doctrine (DECTID) of the University Institution College of Intelligence and Counterintelligence "BG. Ricardo Charry Solano", is university professor.

How to Cite
Beltrán Peña, J. del C., & Pirateque Perdomo, P. (2023). The definition behind terror: the difficulty behind the concept of terrorism. Perspectives in Intelligence Journal, 15(24), 51–84.


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Intelligence and Counterintelligence