Development of an HF antenna leveling system for irregular terrain in Colombia

Keywords: Antenna, communication, antenna field, support, leveling, irregular topography


The antenna fields used in the high frequency band are essential for the execution of tactical direction-finding operations of Electronic Warfare in signals intelligence. These systems require in their structural bases high leveling accuracy and stability to optimize and guarantee communication links. The implementation of each support and preparation of anchorage area requires high budgets and costs for civil works, since areas where they are distributed and configured are topographically irregular and difficult to access. The present study was carried out in order to develop a prototype of mechanical support for high frequency antennas leveling. Mixed research (qualitative and quantitative) of descriptive approach was applied to design and development of prototype called Keops, an alternative that provides robustness and efficiency to stabilize in a practical and safe way each antenna on irregular surfaces, with the advantage of being an easily transportable structure and with mechanical arrangement designed for that purpose. In addition, costs of adaptation, implementation or relocation of high frequency antenna systems are reduced, since there is no need for anchorages or structures that require leveling or flattening of the ground with concrete or other types of materials.


However, a theoretical review of several key concepts related to direction finding and HF antenna fields was developed. This is to make known what the needs are for developing a prototype of these characteristics for the Colombian National Army.


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Author Biographies

Diana Patricia Gómez Vargas, Batallón de Investigación Desarrollo e Innovación de Inteligencia

Master in Human Resources and Knowledge Management from the European University Miguel de Cervantes (Spain), Industrial Engineer from the Universidad Militar Nueva Granada (Colombia), expert in research methodology and consulting in research projects, with experience in advising and monitoring the formulation of research projects, articles, monographs and other graduate work in each of its stages.

Diego Arley Velosa Castañeda, Batallón de Investigación Desarrollo e Innovación de Inteligencia

Control and Automation Engineer from the Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas (Colombia), with extensive knowledge in the design and assembly of circuits in electronic boards at industrial level, with experience in development and consulting of technological research projects, member of the BAIDI research group.

Juan Wilfredo Pinto Uribe, Batallón de Investigación Desarrollo e Innovación de Inteligencia

Electronic Engineer from Universidad Industrial de Santander (Colombia), with expertise in project evaluation and management, electrical machines, communications, digital systems, computer architecture, industrial electronics and control systems. Research and Development Officer at the Intelligence Development and Innovation Research Battalion, member of the BAIDI research group.

Julian Camilo Guevara Cardona, Escuela de Inteligencia y Contrainteligencia

Candidate for a master's degree in Strategic Intelligence from the Institución Universitaria Escuela de Inteligencia y Contrainteligencia "BG. Ricardo Charry Solano" (Colombia), professional in International Relations and Political Studies of the Universidad Militar Nueva Granada (Colombia), with knowledge in geopolitics, creation of public policy, foreign policy analysis, strategic studies, mastery of qualitative and quantitative analytical methods, experience as a teacher and consultant.

How to Cite
Gómez Vargas, D. P., Velosa Castañeda, D. A., Pinto Uribe, J. W., & Guevara Cardona, J. C. (2023). Development of an HF antenna leveling system for irregular terrain in Colombia. Perspectives in Intelligence Journal, 15(24), 365–398.


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