September 11, 2001: global security yesterday and today

  • Andrés Fernando Marín Escobar Escuela de Suboficiales Inocencio Chincá
Keywords: United States, security, military spending


September 11 caused a transformation in the history of the United States, as evidenced by the attack that took the lives of thousands of people, affecting the social, political and economic context. The event demonstrated the vulnerability and exposure of the world power to unconventional threats, such as Al Qaeda terrorist cells, which attacked an American interest within the State itself, something that until then was unthinkable.

To do so, it is necessary to understand the superlative and humiliating dimension for the United States, knowing that from that moment on nothing is the same. It is worth noting that since the attack, changes have been made in foreign policy, due to the dynamics it gave to national interest; the reaction of U.S. citizens was to focus on the power of the State, using the feeling of protection of their family and even personal security, which made them become a support for the government.

As a result of the attack, the agenda of the United States, and therefore of the international concert, changed, making the fight against terrorist organizations a priority and establishing new guidelines in its foreign policy. This had an impact not only on the administrative levels of the State, but also on the collective conscience of a people who no longer felt safe within their own borders. The fear that was generated turned into support for the government in power because, at that time, the need for answers justified the actions taken by that government.


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Author Biography

Andrés Fernando Marín Escobar, Escuela de Suboficiales Inocencio Chincá

Tecnólogo en Ciencias Militares, Escuela de Suboficiales Inocencio Chincá, Colombia.

How to Cite
Marín Escobar, A. F. (2017). September 11, 2001: global security yesterday and today. Perspectives in Intelligence Journal, 9(18), 23–34. Retrieved from


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Intelligence and Counterintelligence