The covert mission of the Third Reich

  • Jimmy Alexander Holguín Alzate Escuela de Inteligencia y Contrainteligencia
Keywords: Nazi Germany, war, Eastern Europe, intelligence


The Third Reich, commonly known as Nazi Germany, emerged after the end of the Weimar Republic, established in German territory and which, headed by Adolf Hitler, implemented a series of doctrines that took the lives of hundreds of people, within the framework of an ideal of racial purity and sovereignty, complemented with a prototype of domination and power based on a superior intelligence for the consolidation of a strong, independent, dominant and decisive Germany in Eastern Europe and in the world.

To achieve this total power, it was necessary to deploy a series of measures which, together with genocides, population displacements, scientific tests on human beings and terror - by disappearing all vestiges that were not pure and Aryan -, evidenced the need to overcome the capacity for action, to control the destiny of the adversary and to counteract any possible situation that would violate German control. Through espionage, the techniques and tactics for its application were perfected, as an evident sign of the intelligence used to subdue and expand its dominion.

Nowadays, the use of intelligence represents the power that bends any interest, used in a gentle but sure way, and even slow and invisible, but accurate; it constitutes the basis for decision making both to fulfill military objectives and to establish the national interests of the State. The use and application of it has been perfected, as well as the means and systems created and implemented by human beings, all with the same purpose of counteracting possible threats that seek to violate security.


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Author Biography

Jimmy Alexander Holguín Alzate, Escuela de Inteligencia y Contrainteligencia

Tecnólogo en Administración y Análisis de la Seguridad, ESICI, Colombia.

How to Cite
Holguín Alzate, J. A. (2017). The covert mission of the Third Reich. Perspectives in Intelligence Journal, 9(18), 35–48. Retrieved from


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Intelligence and Counterintelligence