Race for dominance of the skies

  • Camilo Humberto Henao Zapata Escuela de Suboficiales Inocencio Chincá
Keywords: airplane, fighter aircraft, jet fighter, avionics, generation, weapons, aeronautics


The industrialized states of the world have been constantly involved in arms races, the invention of the airplane and its subsequent adaptation for war purposes generated that the sky began to be contemplated as a new theater of war. The efficiency of aircraft on the battlefield was put to the test in the First and Second World Wars, where the destructive potential of these machines became evident and since then developed countries have been concerned with designing and producing powerful fighters, capable of deterring the enemy or carrying out successful defense and attack tasks; their evolution has taken place in a very competitive environment that, even today, continues to encourage the world military industry and, undoubtedly, the development of fifth generation fighters is proof of this phenomenon.


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Author Biography

Camilo Humberto Henao Zapata, Escuela de Suboficiales Inocencio Chincá

Tecnólogo en Ciencias Militares, Escuela Militar de Suboficiales “Sargento Inocencio Chincá”, Colombia.

How to Cite
Henao Zapata, C. H. (2017). Race for dominance of the skies. Perspectives in Intelligence Journal, 9(18), 209–224. Retrieved from https://revistascedoc.com/index.php/pei/article/view/81


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