Geostrategy in Colombian foreign policy

  • Estefanía Buitrago Paipa Universidad Militar Nueva Granada
Keywords: geostrategy, foreign policy, Colombian State


This article explores geostrategy in Colombian foreign policy and its relevance in projecting national objectives at the international level, bearing in mind that geostrategy is one of the factors that generate national objectives at the global level, requiring synergy between national institutions and the President of the Republic in the formulation of foreign policy.

To understand the basis on which the States base their strategies in this field, there are three models of analysis by Kenneth Waltz (1967), which are: 1. Systemic level, 2. State level and 3. Individual level, which allow an easy understanding of the basis on which States base their foreign policy decisions. In the Colombian case, it will be explained, through the individual analysis model, why the foreign policy is a government policy but not a State policy, which leads to a short term policy without any structured continuity; furthermore, it shows that there is no active participation of society in the formulation of this policughout this article it will be analyzed why the role of geostrategy is important for the y, therefore, throColombian foreign policy. 


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Author Biography

Estefanía Buitrago Paipa, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada

Profesional en Relaciones Internacionales y Estudios Políticos de la Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, Pasante
de la Escuela de Inteligencia y Contrainteligencia “Brigadier General Ricardo Charry Solano”, Colombia.

How to Cite
Buitrago Paipa, E. (2016). Geostrategy in Colombian foreign policy. Perspectives in Intelligence Journal, 8(17), 33–47. Retrieved from


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