Cities in the 21st century: hotbeds of old conflicts and new spaces for threats

  • Nicolás Gallo Campos Escuela Superior de Guerra
Keywords: nation state, power, security, conflict


Historically, the basis of social organization in Latin America has been mediated by the establishment of organized social nuclei in the cities, from which state power (from its modern conception) is projected, guaranteeing security, legitimacy and order throughout the national territory.

The problems in the consolidation of the figure of the State in Latin American societies, given its inability to exercise effective territorial control, have led the conflict to move from rural areas to the cities, where the dispute for the exercise of legitimate violence (Weberian) puts the State in competition with other actors, for the sovereign control of spaces and subordination relations. Therefore, circumstances are generated that lead to the establishment of rules of the game that erode its legitimacy and its role as guarantor of security and protection of citizens' rights, which produces spaces where there is no exercise of the law, where threats to security arise on the basis of conflicts that were not resolved during the process of the formation and consolidation of the nation state.


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Author Biography

Nicolás Gallo Campos, Escuela Superior de Guerra

Maestría en Seguridad y Defensa Nacionales, Escuela Superior de Guerra, Colombia.

How to Cite
Gallo Campos, N. (2016). Cities in the 21st century: hotbeds of old conflicts and new spaces for threats. Perspectives in Intelligence Journal, 8(17), 63–72. Retrieved from


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History and philosophy