Copyright policy and self-archiving

Copyright and use policy:

Perspectives in Intelligence journal is signatory to the Budapest Declaration and all its published contents are from open access, with full recognition of the moral rights of authors over their work.   For publication, authors agree to assign publication rights in favor of the journal Perspectivas en Inteligencia in accordance with the terms of the license Creative Commons: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs

This Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International license allows authors and readers to share, copy, and disseminate the article in the final version published online by Perspectives in Intelligence Journal in any medium or format as long as the author(s) of the article are acknowledged and identified, no commercial use is made of the final published article, and no derivative works or modified versions are involved.


Self-archiving policy:

Authors are allowed to adopt the freedom to archive the post-print version (the version published in the journal) on personal websites, institutional repositories, blogs, institutional pages or any other electronic media for similar purposes, declaring the Creative Commons license.

Perspectives in Intelligence Journal encourages authors to publish and disseminate their articles submitted to the journal in other media, as long as they provide bibliographic information that proves their first publication in Perspectives in Intelligence Journal including volume, year and DOI of the article.