Editorial process

1. Evaluation stage
2. Publication stage
3. Times of the editorial process

The editorial process in the Perspectivas en Inteligencia Scientific Journal consists of two independent stages: evaluation and publication, described below.



The evaluation stage of the articles submitted to the Perspectives in Intelligence Scientific Journal consists of three procedures that seek to guarantee the scientific quality of the published contents: 1) Preliminary evaluation by the Editorial Committee and the Scientific Committee of the Perspectives in Intelligence Scientific Journal; 2) Double-blind evaluation by expert peers (referees) and 3) Final decision by the Editors. In spite of the diversity of disciplinary approaches of the articles submitted to the Perspectives in Intelligence Scientific Journal, they all have the same publication process and the peers follow the same conditions and parameters to develop their evaluation.

a) Preliminary evaluation.All articles submitted to the Perspectives in Intelligence Scientific Journal are subject to an initial evaluation by the Editors, the Editorial Committee and the Scientific Committee. At this stage, the subject matter of the texts submitted, the length, the correct citation in the APA system and compliance with the rules for authors of the Perspectives in Intelligence Scientific Journal are reviewed. Likewise, the authenticity of the article is verified with the "safe assign and Turnitin" program, to prevent the possibility of plagiarism, self-plagiarism or double publication.

Articles approved in this first stage are sent to a minimum of two independent and anonymous external peer reviewers (referees) at national or international level. In case an article does not comply with the rules for authors or editorial policy of the Scientific Journal Perspectives in Intelligence, it will be returned to the author with the reasons for its rejection.

b) Evaluation by expert peers (referees).The review of the articles by the peer reviewers is double blind and its management is done through the OJS platform of the Scientific Journal Perspectives in Intelligence. Peer reviewers analyze the article in thirteen aspects (Title, abstract and keywords; Introduction / context; Literature review; Theoretical / conceptual framework; Methodology; Results; Discussion and limitations of the study; Conclusions; Referencing (APA 7th edition); Validity; Consistency and interest for the reader; Contribution; and Overall evaluation) and give a final verdict and recommendations in the article evaluation form.

The Scientific Journal Perspectives in Intelligence has a minimum of 90% of external peers (national and foreign) from outside of the College of Intelligence and Counterintelligence "BG. Ricardo Charry Solano" (ESICI) for the evaluation of the articles. Likewise, at the end of each volume, the Scientific Journal Perspectives in Intelligence includes in its editorial, a list of the peer reviewers who participated in the review of the articles, as a fair recognition of their important and voluntary contribution to the continuous improvement in the quality of the published content.

c) Final decision of the Editors.The Editors of the Scientific Journal Perspectives in Intelligence are in charge of consolidating the concepts of the peer reviewers in order to make a final decision on the articles. In case of controversy, that is, when the concepts of the peer reviewers do not coincide in their final decision, the article will be sent to a third peer reviewer who, without knowing the previous decisions of the referees, will give his final opinion. In case of any controversy, the Editors will make the final decision on the publication of the article in consultation with the Editorial Committee and the Scientific Committee.

The Scientific Journal Perspectives in Intelligence has established the following five types of results, as a result of peer review:

1) Accepted for publication. The article complies with all the academic and style requirements required by the Perspectives in Intelligence Scientific Journal and no modifications are necessary.

2) Publishable with modifications. The article complies with most of the academic and style requirements demanded by the Perspectives in Intelligence Scientific Journal, however, it is necessary to make important minor modifications. The comments of the peer reviewers, as well as the required changes, are sent to the authors in order for them to make the necessary adjustments.

Authors have a period of 15 working days to make the requested adjustments and resubmit them to the Revista Científica Perspectivas en Inteligencia for review by the Editorial Committee and the Scientific Committee. If no communication is received from the authors within the established date, it will be understood that they withdraw their intention to continue with the publication and the submission will be archived.

3) Resubmit for review. The article complies with some of the academic and style requirements demanded by the Perspectivas en Inteligencia Scientific Journal, however, major modifications are necessary, which require a new round of evaluation by the referees. The comments of the peer reviewers, as well as the required changes, are sent to the authors in order for them to make the necessary adjustments.

Authors have a period of 60 working days to make the requested adjustments and resubmit them to the Revista Científica Perspectivas en Inteligencia, for review by the initial peer reviewers (who will make the final decision for acceptance or rejection of the article). If no communication is received from the authors within the established date, it will be understood that they withdraw their intention to continue with the publication and the submission will be archived.

4) Forward to another publication. The article does not meet some of the academic and style requirements demanded by the Scientific Journal Perspectives in Intelligence, but, because of its academic value, the author is recommended to submit it to another journal. The comments of the peer reviewers are sent to the authors.

5) Not publishable (article rejected). The article does not meet the academic and style requirements of the Perspectives in Intelligence Scientific Journal, is rejected and the opportunity for resubmission is denied. The comments of the peer reviewers are sent to the authors.



The articles that after the evaluation stage are accepted by the Scientific Journal Perspectives in Intelligence, go to the publication stage. This consists of three procedures:

a) Style correction.Once the article has been proofread, the final version is sent to the authors for approval. They have a period of 8 working days to verify, approve or make the necessary amendments to this version. Once the Revista Científica Perspectivas en Inteligencia receives this version, it translates the title, abstract and keywords.

b) Diagramming.Once the corrected version approved by the authors goes through the layout procedure, a preprint is obtained, which is sent again to the authors for final approval. The authors have a period of 8 working days to verify the preprint version.

c) Declaration of originality and assignment of rights.At the end of the publication stage, the authors sign a declaration of originality and assignment of rights form. In this form, the authors agree to assign the publication rights (keeping the moral rights) in favor of the Scientific Journal Perspectives in Intelligence, under the Creative Commons license: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International.

Thus, authors and readers may copy and disseminate their article in the final version published online by the Scientific Journal Perspectives in Intelligence, provided that the creator(s) of the article are acknowledged and identified, that no commercial use is made of the final published article, and that no derivative works or modified versions are involved.



The average times established by the Perspectivas en Inteligencia Scientific Journal for the editorial process of the articles are as follows:

a) Between the reception of the article and the preliminary evaluation by the Editorial Committee and the Scientific Committee of the Scientific Journal Perspectives in Intelligence: 8 working days.

b) Between the preliminary evaluation by the Editorial Committee and the Scientific Committee of the Scientific Journal Perspectives in Intelligence and the results of the evaluation by expert peers (referees): 50 working days.

c) Between the results of the evaluation by expert peers (referees) and the final decision by the Editors: 8 working days.

d) Between the final decision by the Editors (if approved) and the publication stage: 30 working days.

Articles that have completed both stages are included in the next issue available for publication. At any time, authors can follow up their manuscript on the OJS platform..